Message to President Trump & JD Vance ahead of Bitcoin conference July 27th: The threat of “Crypto”, and the promise of Satoshi’s vision for Bitcoin

Truth Machine
26 min readJul 24, 2024


After surviving a horrific assassination attempt, President Trump is continuing on the campaign trail and planning to speak at the BTC conference later this month on July 27th, 2024 in Nashville. Trump has previously said he would commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road darkweb drug marketplace that used Bitcoin as a payment method. Some media outlets are speculating that Trump could even pardon Roger Ver who was recently arrested for tax fraud involving Bitcoin. Roger Ver is a convicted felon for sending explosives in the mail. He’s an anti-American anarchist that has tried to renounce his US citizenship and flee the country. He tried to create his own anarchist utopia “Liberland” on a parcel of disputed land on the Danube River. Roger who calls himself “Bitcoin Jesus”, has even advocated for assassination markets on the dark web, with assassination bounties funded with crypto, and published articles about assassination markets on his website

It is ironic that Roger who evaded tax in the USA, also promoted a developer tax on Bitcoin (BCH) before the currency was forked due to his influence when he teamed up with nefarious actors, stealing miner power to 51% attack the blockchain. He also paid off developers and lied about necessary blocksize increases. Recently Roger was also accused of defrauding $84M from coinflex exchange, and $20M from Genesis exchange. Roger recently wrote a book about “Hijacking Bitcoin”. It may have some true talking points in it, but ultimately is designed to lead people astray into a false truth. This is because Roger started out as an ally against the takeover of Bitcoin, only after he got tricked by the false segwit2x agreement. But eventually Roger turned against Bitcoin and its founder, when his anarchist beliefs clashed with the original vision of the creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

This type of anarchist spirit is prevalent through the crypto space. Another prominent BTC promoter and the maintainer of is an anonymous entity known only as “Cobra Bitcoin”, who has also advocated for assassination markets funded by crypto on the dark web. He also says that he wishes for all BSV holders to die. BitcoinSV is the original Bitcoin protocol that has been preserved from the Genesis block, of which Bitcoin-BTC and Bitcoin-BCH forked off from. There have been numerous other death threats against those supporting the original Bitcoin protocol, many of these threats are archived here.

This includes threats with firearms where employees of prominent crypto companies have shot bullet holes through photos of Bitcoin creator Craig Wright’s face. This culprit also worked under another prominent crypto CEO Jameson Lopp who has tweeted out on X that the only way to stop Wright is to “put him in a box”. This same CEO has brandished firearms on Twitter, and has made lists of all BitcoinSV supporters on X in order to block them, or perhaps something more nefarious. Lopp has also advocated for assassination markets on Twitter, and he also says to kill Satoshi, and he wishes Craig Wright would kill himself. He apparently may have 3D printed firearms that can possibly evade metal detectors. And he says hell would freeze over before he supported President Trump. It appears Lopp will likely be at the Bitcoin conference later this month. I think these types of threats illustrate why security needs to be taken very seriously for Trump during the Bitcoin conference in Nashville on July 27th.

We can already see much of the unhinged BTC promoters getting angry at Trump for daring to speak bluntly at the RNC about Nayib Bukele the BTC promoting President of El Salvador. Max Keiser says he plans to “settle the score” with Trump at the BTC conference later this month over the Bukele issue. Here you can see Max and Jameson making jokes about putting Craig Wright’s head on a plate. These are an example of the common enemies of Craig Wright and President Trump.

Here is another example of a recent unhinged comment from long time BTC-Core developer Peter Todd saying he wants to exterminate all Russians. This type of violent behavior and rhetoric is not rare in the “crypto” space. Studies have even concluded the average BTC promoters are psychopaths that don’t care about anybody. The study published in the Personalities and Individual Differences Journal, found that BTC promoters largely have dark tetrad Machiavellian traits including narcissism, sadism, and psychopathy. To put it simply much of the “crypto” space is out of their mind, and there are many dangerous criminals.

BTC-Core developer Peter Todd has also been caught and admitted to working with self proclaimed intelligence agents in order to “start fake companies to attack SPV”. SPV stands for “Simplified Payment Verification” and is a key scaling technology that Satoshi described in section 8 of the Bitcoin whitepaper. It is also interesting that the CIA VC funding arm, In-Q-Tel contacted Gavin Andresen inviting him to speak at the CIA in 2011. Andresen was Satoshi’s partner right before Satoshi disappeared in 2011 after the CIA reached out to Gavin. Soon after, some powerful players including CEO of AXA chairman of Bilderberg, and VC firms with history and connections to In-Q-Tel, began to fund BlockStream, which captured almost of all of the BTC-core developers, paying them salaries and usurping control over the BTC protocol. The CIA have confirmed that they are also running several crypto projects.

It would make sense that some saw Bitcoin as a threat and they worked to usurp and sabotage the system. Here you can see Hillary Clinton recently saying that Bitcoin is a threat to the USD and could destabilize nations. This could be why BTC development was taken over by BlockStream and also funded by Jeffrey Epstein through the MIT media lab in 2015–2016 right before segwit was implemented on BTC, fundamentally altering the system and even breaking the definition of Bitcoin in Satoshi’s whitepaper as “an electronic coin as a chain of digital signatures”. The introduction of segwit in 2017 removed the signatures from the chain, forever damaging the integrity of the public ledger. This has legal side effects as well. This is what prompted the first fork in Bitcoin, to BCH, preserving Satoshi’s original design. Later BCH would fork to BSV due to attacks from Roger Ver.

The main differences between Bitcoin BSV and the other forks like BCH and BTC, is that BitcoinSV has an unbounded blocksize to enable worldwide scaling and millions of transactions per second. BTC for example can only do 7 transactions per second because BlockStream and the developers refused to raise the 1MB blocksize limit. Satoshi had clearly intended for the blocksize increase to be phased in over time. Satoshi was clear that as the system scaled, users would not run nodes, and instead SPV as described in section 8 of the whitepaper would be used to scale Bitcoin. But instead BTC has said that they want every user to be able to run a node, failing to understand what Satoshi’s vision and his whitepaper was all about. By refusing to raise the block capacity, BlockStream and BTC developers effectively sabotaged the system. Some might say they did this purposefully so they could profit off their sidechain solutions. It seems close to the definition of racketeering, purposefully causing a problem, and then offering their sidechain solutions as a response, as CEO Adam Back tacitly admitted in an interview with Forbes writer Laura Shinn in 2017.

BlockStream and the BTC promoters have claimed that it is ok that BTC does not scale and has increasing fees, which have reached $350 per transaction in recent weeks. This means that during times of network congestion it is 16 million times more expensive to transact on BTC than to send a transaction on BSV. In other words according to the data recorded by, you could send 16 million transactions on the BSV network, for the price of one single BTC transaction on the BTC network. That is how unusable and unreliable the BTC network has become compared to BitcoinSV. BTC promoters, and developers like CEO of BlockStream Adam Back say that this is all ok even if fees are $100 per transaction , and they also say users can use a new technology called Lightning Network instead. But the problem is that Lightning Network is mostly a hoax, and nobody is really using it. Lightning is being promoted from some other opponents of President Trump and Craig Wright, like Jack Dorsey of Twitter. Some wallets say that they use Lightning, but when you examine them closer you realize they are in fact only pretending to use Lightning, and are actually custodial systems. For example here is a popular “Lightning” wallet muun which admits on their website it is custodial. Here is another Lightning Wallet laisee that admits they use custodial solutions. Here is coinspark which is coinbase’s lightning integration, admitting they are using a custodial solution under “where are my keys”.

Part of the reason they are using custodial solution, is Lightning Network has been mostly a lie, only to justify keeping the blocksize at 1MB in opposition to Satoshi’s stated plan for Bitcoin. They have promised that Lightning would fix everything since 2016, and at this point it is a proven failure. Lightning Network has also been hacked due to critical vulnerabilities with funds stolen in the wild, which is another reason why people don’t want to adopt it or risk losing funds. The truth is that networks such as Lightning Network are always able to be Sybil attacked due to the distance between nodes and its topological structure as a mesh network. This is tangentially proven in the paper Bitcoin and Red Balloons (page9), written by some Microsoft Researchers. Bitcoin however, is designed as a small world topology and can resist such Sybil attacks because an attacker cannot get in between hops of the nodes and fool the network. Furthermore, Lightning has routing problems. Routing a transaction in Lightning is a multi depot traveling salesman problem. In mathematics this means it is an NP-hard problem, which means it is very difficult to compute the route. These types of difficult computations are what makes cryptography secure. So the irony is that the only way to solve the routing problem on Lightning is to simultaneously break cryptography, removing the value of public/private key pairs. On top of this, even if Lightning was not broken in various other ways, the only way to make it work would be to raise the blocksize limit of 1MB which BTC promoters, developers, and BlockStream are not willing to do. Lightning channels require an on-chain BTC transaction in order to open or close the lightning channel. Yet BTC has a limited number of transactions that are possible due to the artificially limited block space. With only 1MB blocks it would take BTC 41 years just to process enough transactions in order to open enough channels on Lightning Network to serve the world. The Lightning Network acts like a strangler fig on BTC, leaving us with a similar permissioned, dark money system with no rules and no transparency, which is more similar to the legacy financial system than a new innovation.

A further important aspect of Bitcoin to consider is the energy usage of BTC. Because the BTC network is completely clogged with transactions and 1MB blocks, very few transactions can be processed. But because the price of the token on exchanges has gone very high, we see miners wasting huge sums of energy to mine the BTC blockchain. Currently BTC is processing less than 3 transactions per MWh. To put this in perspective, 1 MWh is equivalent to 1 million Watt-hours. If you work out the math this means it currently costs the equivalent of burning 26,525 light bulbs (assuming a light bulb is 13 watts) for one hour, just to process a single BTC transaction. While the Bitcoin BSV live network on the other hand has demonstrated 4000x the capacity of BTC, and even demonstrated 1 million transactions per second on testnet via teranode the planned technology for Terabyte(TB) sized blocks on the BSV network. Also necessary for this transition to TB sized blocks is the newly released SPV wallet, which allows users to run light nodes in accordance with Satoshi’s original design. SPV was always how Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned Bitcoin to scale into the far future. Users were never supposed to run nodes at scale, but instead Satoshi said nodes were supposed to be big server farms as we see today. There is an opposite narrative from the BTC promoters, that users must run nodes to keep Bitcoin decentralized. But this narrative was first pushed by Peter Todd and a possible intelligence agent, who funded this propaganda video in 2013. The truth however is that none of these systems which are run by developer groups are decentralized because they constantly make centralized decisions to change the protocol. As Craig Wright has explained, the only way to remain decentralzied is to set the protocol in stone so it does not change, removing developer power from the system.

This is aligned perfectly with Satoshi Nakamoto’s forum posts where he stated Bitcoin was “set in stone”. Part of this was Satoshi designing into the system a variety of OP-codes designed for scripting purposes on the Bitcoin protocol. However, BTC-Core developers turned off and never enabled most of this functionality. As Peter Todd said they “panicked” about the security of those implementations. BSV however has re-enabled almost all of this original functionality intended by Satoshi. This is part of why BSV can now compete with other smart contracting blockchains like Ethereum, and due to BSV’s scalable and simple design it works much more efficiently than ETH. Ethereum has a problem in that the design has become far too complex, in an effort to deal with its scaling inadequacies. As the Bitcoin whitepaper conclusion says, Bitcoin was designed to be “robust in its unstructured simplicity”. Bitcoin as a UTXO cash system is fundamentally different than ETH’s account based design. The ETH Foundation and Vitalik Buterin however, are constantly altering the protocol, and are basically acting like central planners of the Ethereum system as well as selling and issuing tokens out of the ETH foundation, making ETH an obvious security under the Howey Test.

BitcoinSV being set in stone however, allows application developers(rather than protocol developers) to build confidently, knowing that the protocol won’t change. Builders need the confidence to know that protocol devs won’t be pulling the rug out from under them unexpectedly, similar to what ETH did when a hacker drained the DAO in 2016 and Vitalik Buterin rolled back and forked the chain leaving the old chain surviving as Ethereum Classic (ETC). People have been very skeptical about Bitcoin’s scripting capabilities and they said it was not possible to have smart contracting on Bitcoin. Here in 2015 Craig Wright discussed this with other prominent crypto poersonalities like Nick Szabo who said he was wrong, and told him to write a paper about it. Dr. Wright did eventually write that paper, and now he has been proven correct by the rise of a new BitcoinSV scripting language called sCrypt. It is interesting that nobody knew the mechanics of how such a system would work until Satoshi, Craig Wright came back onto the scene. Now Dr. Wright has patented much of the technology around Bitcoin and blockchain smart contracting, with over 1000 patents filed. This includes the patent on how to apply Satoshi’s SPV technology to a blockchain. It is hard to imagine how any blockchain or CBDC for that matter will be able to scale for mass adoption without utilizing this SPV patented technology. Wright has made comments that these patents would be free to use on the BitcoinSV blockchain, but competitor blockchains may not be allowed, or may be forced to pay royalties to use his IP. Craig Wright has patented most of the important technology surrounding scaling blockchains. An example of this is Solana (SOL), a coin with an $83B market cap known for it’s ability to scale better than some other cryptos, and appears to be directly using one of Wright’s patented ideas. SOL also lied about their coin supply in the early days, illustrating another reason why there needs to be more oversight in the crypto space. Wright also claimed during testimony in Norway that he plans to take legal action for his patented ideas against Ethereum for NFTs.

Another problem with BTC, is that the promoters claim that there will only be 21 million BTC-coins. They loudly promote this idea and even put “21M” all over their bios. But they also claim the blocksize needs to stay small, at 1MB to remain “decentralized”. But those two things can’t coexist in the long term. Bitcoin was designed to run off transaction fees in the long term as it states in the Bitcoin whitepaper section 6. But with 1MB blocks, the problem is, you cannot fit very many transactions. So even if the transaction fees reach thousands of dollars(which some advocate for), it is just not enough incentive to secure a trillion dollar system. The only way to secure the system long term is to have unbounded blocks and huge amounts of transactions like BitcoinSV is designed to do. Millions of small transaction fees in BSV will add up more significantly than a few giant fees on BTC. So only BSV can maintain the 21M cap and run inflation free long-term as the Bitcoin whitepaper says. This means that BTC is destined to “die” as BTC-Core dev Peter Todd has said. Popular BTC “expert” Andreas Antonopoulos was also asked about this and had to admit it is a problem and that BTC may have to either raise the 21M cap or move to a Proof of Stake system instead of a Proof of Work system. Proof of Stake, as ETH also runs on now, is a very dangerous system because it leads to oligarchy and corruption as Craig Wright has explained in his paper “Proof of work as it relates to the theory of the firm”. The paper also dispells many of the myths of what it means to be decentralized in BTC. BlockStream CEO Adam Back has also admitted the 21M limit is a problem due to small blocks but says not to worry about it and “just buy BTC and stay calm”. It is ironic that BTC promoters talk about self custody, when the rising fees on BTC make it infeasible for most people to take self-custody of their funds. Instead people are trusting corrupt exchanges which often times get hacked or run away with funds as we have seen in the past with Mt. Gox, FTX, and many others. What they have created is the opposite of decentralization, in the name of decentralization. Numerous companies used to accept Bitcoin for payments but have abandoned it because of the high fees and unreliable transactions due to BTC-Core’s policies. If you don’t put a high enough fee, your transaction could be stuck for weeks or months.

In reality I think that if people understood Bitcoin BSV and the unbounded public ledger, they would realize that Bitcoin can work together with fiat, and a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) doesn’t have to be as scary as everyone makes it out to be. Most people are using cards and digital payments already, and those systems are not being terribly abused by governments. A CBDC can be built on top of the Bitcoin public ledger and help to strengthen the dollar and enable economic activity and efficiency in a way that we have never seen before. Some countries for example Norway, are already looking at BSV the original Bitcoin to implement CBDCs. This is because other systems like BTC, or BCH, or ETH cannot scale with low fees, due to the inadequate design of their system, so they cannot be used for an effective CBDC. The main benefit of a CBDC on the public ledger is that central banks can start being held more accountable because everything can be audited much easier. Trump has recently said he won’t allow the creation of a CBDC. Currently we have no idea really how much fiat USD is out there, it is basically impossible to audit it, as it is a dark fiat system. Bitcoin brings light to a dark system, and that is why we also don’t really consider BitcoinSV to be “crypto” which means darkness. Bitcoin is more like light than darkness because it is a public and transparent ledger. Others are trying to replicate a dark shadow system, hiding transactions to enable criminality, and that is why they are strongly opposed to the transparent nature of Satoshi’s vision for Bitcoin. As Satoshi Nakamoto said, it is a balance between transparency and privacy:

“It needed to be private allowing people to engage in their day-to-day lives and even do things that were mildly wrong. At the same time, it had to be the ultimate anathema to all that was evil in the world.

Bitcoin can be traced similar to paper cash through old fashioned police work, and serial numbers, and is designed in a way to enable the tracking down of serious criminals and terrorists. Satoshi’s original design also allows for coins to be frozen or unfrozen on the ledger through a court order or other legal action. As Satoshi stated in his original forum quotes, coins could be frozen and turned from “gold to lead, and back to gold again.” Using the alert key, messages could be broadcast to the network to let Bitcoin miners know about enforcement requests backed by the full force of the law. As the Bitcoin whitepaper says in the final section, miners “enforce” network rules. On BitcoinSV this has been restored as the NAR (Network Access Rules) functionality. This design can hold criminals in check, while keeping businesses and governments honest. But at the same time it enables strong privacy for average every day users, and citizens. This is because as the Bitcoin whitepaper says in Section 10 titled Privacy, the identity can be firewalled. The danger of a digital currency system in the future is that it does not serve as cash, and that is where every single crypto except BSV is trending. I would posit that a CBDC is not the danger, but a cashless system is the danger. A properly designed CBDC could actually give more sovereignty to individuals. But what many fail to grasp, is that the BitcoinSV ledger does indeed function as digital cash, ”a peer-to-peer electronic cash system” as the whitepaper is titled.

Here are Trump’s original instincts when it came to Bitcoin and crypto, and he said he is not a fan of BTC. I think his instincts here were largely correct, and if he understood the nature of the public unbounded BSV ledger, he may realize that it can be a benefit to the USD if a CBDC is built on top of the original Bitcoin protocol and public ledger. The subtle yet important part is being “public”. In fact the only way a CBDC can even be successful is for it to be public, not private, and built on top of the unbounded BSV system while likely utilizing some of the thousands of patents of the Bitcoin founder Craig Wright.

A further example of the criminality in the space is the Ethereum currency, run by Vitalik Buterin, who has advocated for the legalization of child pornography as Breitbart has reported. Vitalik also put out a blog post on July 17th basically saying not to support Trump even if he is “pro crypto”. Vitalik also has been reported to have met with Vladimir Putin in support of ETH. One of the Ethereum developers Virgil Griffith is also serving 5 years in prison for visiting North Korea and teaching them how to use ETH to evade sanctions. North Korea was also reported to have stolen $600M in ETH in a hacking scheme. Reports say that North Korea has stolen a total of $3B in crypto hacks since 2017. And this was with the help, aid and advice from ETH developers.

Adding to the strangeness of this all, Vitalik Buterin the creator of ETH is seen commonly promoting eating of bugs, promoting synthetic wombs for women, funding an openly satanic development fund for “molochDAO” on ETH, as well as running a bizarre “summoning” ceremony, where the ETH Foundation summons a devil called “powerful spirit Dankshard” during their strange protocol upgrade.

Furthermore, one of the biggest “crypto” exchanges in America, Kraken has been suspected of violating sanctions with Iran. Similarly the CEO of one of the largest overseas crypto exchanges Binance, Changpeng Zhao is now serving time in prison for money laundering and allowing Iran to evade sanctions and trade $8B worth of crypto. CZ of Binance is also the creator of the 4th largest cryptocurrency BNB with an $86B market cap. Behind all of this we have the fraudulent USDT tether propping up most of the industry, and receiving no accountability from regulators.

It is interesting to note that a common theme among these exchanges and crypto groups is that they have coordinated censorship and delisting campaigns against the real Bitcoin protocol BSV. It has even been discovered that they have a secretive slack channel called the “Dragons Den” where they coordinate propaganda camapaigns against the original Bitcoin protocol. Emin Gun Sirer the founder of the AVA currency and AVA Labs has been found manipulating the crypto communuties with thousands of robot accounts. AVA labs have also sought to gain influence over the disgraced law firm Roche Freeman which was used to initiate litigation against Craig Wright in Kleiman v Wright in Miami, FL for billions of dollars in alleged damages. Emin also happens to be a moderator of the /r/bsv reddit sub which is used to launch propaganda attacks against BitcoinSV and Craig Wright.

To illustrate how this economic and social campaign unfolds, you can see Kraken’s Twitter account doing a poll asking users if they should delist BitcoinSV. Here you can see CZ of Binance also deciding to delist Bitcoin BSV because he disagrees with the creator Craig Wright taking legal recourse to defend his reputation in courts. This is ironic considering CZ himself uses courts to fight defamation. Others soon piled on to delist BSV includinge Erik Voorhees CEO of ShapeShift, who also happens to be the former boss of the person who shot bullet holes through photos of Craig Wright’s face. Voorhees has also been charged by the SEC for unregistered securities in 2014. Furthermore, the largest American exchange Coinbase has also delisted Bitcoin BSV and liquidated the assets without users’ permission, exchanging the asset for other crypto tokens on their behalf. Coinbase has also admitted in their IPO filing that the revealing of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity is one of the biggest risks to their business. It appears they have coordinated attacks to suppress the original Bitcoin technology and usurp it with a myriad of ponzi schemes and scams. There are ongoing legal claims against these delist attackers in the UK by BSV claims limited for a sum of 9 billion GBP in damages.

“The attacks on Bitcoin and the original promise of its creator get worse as the creator Dr. Craig Wright has been the defendant of numerous lawsuits, the most damaging being one initiated by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance, a group launched and spearheaded by Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, and supported by some of the biggest companies in the crypto space including Coinbase, Kraken, BlockStream, MicroStrategy, Bitpay, and others. This list also included Facebook/Meta who were removed from the website once litigation started against Craig Wright. It is also interesting that Facebook seems to have stolen the name “Meta” from Craig Wright who discussed the concept plus the name “Meta net” in 2018, and prior. COPA’s goal seems to be to create a patent cartel of companies that promise not to use their patents against anyone. This is actually very concerning considering patent protections are enshrined into our constitution, and Dorsey seems to want to undermine these protections. Dorsey has undermined America in other ways as well, for example by censoring election politics on Twitter, and even banning the President of the United States from the platform. It seems that Craig Wright and Donald Trump have some common opposition.

Craig Wright an Australian living in the UK, was ruled as sole creator of Bitcoin in a jury trial in Miami, Florida, the Kleiman v Wright case. He has also secured the Bitcoin copyright in the USA, and enforced this in the UK jurisdiction on the anonymous entity in charge of who goes by the pseudonym “Cobra Bitcoin”. The UK judge however in the COPA v Wright trial has ruled against Wright, claiming that he is not Satoshi Nakamoto, and claiming he has forged evidence. The case will be appealed on August 5th. A big factor in the appeal may be Christen Ager-Hanssen’s involvement intimidating witnesses. As the former disgraced nChain CEO, Ager-Hanssen has now been sentenced to prison for stealing data and contempt of court. Ager-Hanssen also mysteriously has connections to Black Cube, a private intelligence agency heavily connected to Mossad, and based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. I have now written a lengthy analysis of Judge Mellor’s judgment in COPA v Wright, and the many problems with it that will likely be brought up in appeal.

It seems that Wright is under a similar lawfare attack as we have seen Trump become the victim of, and now COPA are seeking criminal charges against Wright in the UK. All of this is despite very strong evidence being provided for Wright’s involvement in the creation of Bitcoin under the Satoshi Nakamoto pseudonym, including signed cryptographic messages from Block 1, the very first Bitcoin block and block 9. Gavin Andresen, who was Satoshi Nakamoto’s partner in the early days of Bitcoin verified and vouched for these cryptographic signatures under oath in his deposition in Kleiman v Wright seen here, page 163. Andresen thinks that it is more likely than not that Wright has possession of Satoshi Nakamoto’s cryptographic keys. Here is a good video which illustrates some of the history and process of Craig Wright becoming public as Satoshi Nakamoto, as well as the incidents with some of his detractors. Here you can see an interview with Taal CEO Stefan Matthews about witnessing the crypographic signing sessions with Craig Wright and Gavin Andresen. Regardless of what his opposition has said about his degrees being fake, Dr. Wright is a mathematician with numerous degrees, and he earned a PhD at Charles Sturt University in computer science in 2017, his doctoral thesis titled “The quantification of information systems risk: A look at quantitative responses to information security issues” is seen here. Dr. Wright also has numerous GIAC certfications as a cyber expert. He is also certified as a SANS Institute cyber guiardian.

JD Vance has made some comments about SEC chair Gary Gensler and the crypto space, seen here. Vance seems to be on the right track in understanding there are a lot of scams in the space and that Gary Gensler at the SEC is failing at his job. Only Bitcoin BSV passes the Howey Test in terms of not being a security. This is because Bitcoin is a locked in stone system, it doesn’t change, making it more like a commodity than a security. While every other crypto is run by a development team that constantly dictates protocol changes whenever they see fit while claiming the system is decentralized. At this point every other crypto except BSV relies on 3rd party promoters. The ETH DAO hack is an example. Another example is when Vitalik altered the ETH blockchain to transition from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake. This shows that these systems rely on 3rd party promoters to make decisions, and these tokens act more like securities under the Howey Test. A more honest crypto space would require systems to be locked in stone and announce their plans at inception. But as JD Vance also seemed to agree, it appears Gay Gensler at the SEC has little interest in regulating the scams in the space. Gensler was even scrutinized for an ethics violation for meeeting with the disgraced founder of FTX Sam Bankman-Fried before the exchange collapsed, ensaring many innocent people, and FTX even had celebrity endorsements like Tom Brady. During his scam, SBF met with members of congress, and donated $100 million to democrats. Apparently Maxine Waters blew SBF kisses during his visit. Now SBF who also had dealings with CZ of Binance, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for his crimes.

It is interesting that prior to becoming chairman of the SEC, Gary Gensler was a professor at MIT of the Blockchain and Money Course which is available to watch on youtube. It seems that Gensler is aware of Craig Wright because several of his students seem think Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto when Gensler asked them, to which he has a strange response. It is interesting how Gensler also had Larry Lessig visit his class as a guest speaker, being the pioneer of the “code is law” philosophy. Ironically Craig Wright has been very critical of Lessig’s ideas, and has written blogs criticizing Lessig and his code is law philosophy specifically. Possibly even more concerning is the scrutiny MIT has received for working closely with Jeffrey Epstein. Here is Joi Ito the Director of the MIT media lab’s apology on the Epstein matter. Epstein funded the MIT media lab, which in turn funded BTC-Core developers including the lead maintainer Wladimir van der Laan, who had the ultimate control over the github code repository for the BTC-Core codebase. In an MIT fact finding report about Epstein, it was revealed that Epstein was very involved with Bitcoin at MIT, and in fact the one time Epstein visited the campus, it was to discuss Bitcoin (page51). Even more concerning, Epstein was involved with a “coding for toddlers” program at MIT called “ScratchJr”(page29). Around the time Epstein was also pushing the narrative that BTC is not a currency but only a store of value. BTC cannot be a currency because 1MB blocks restrict its utility that way, and the developers refused to raise the limit in accordance with Satoshi’s vision for Bitcoin.

Epstein’s ties to BTC are not the only example of pedophilia involved with the “crypto” space. It seems these groups were present from the beginning trying to thwart Satoshi’s design. The very first critic of Satoshi named “James A. Donald” told Satoshi on the cryptography mailing list in 2008 that Bitcoin would not work, and he now runs a blog where he talks about his attraction to young children. Also Bitpay, one of the biggest crypto payment companies and also member of COPA, has a history of sexually exploiting young children. Vitalik Buterin the creator of ETH has also advocated for legalization of Child Porn. Another crypto criminal scammer that is now serving time in prison for his crypto scheme, and ironically at the same facility as Sam Bankman-Fried, is Avraham Eisenberg who was found with Child porn on his computer (page 50). Earlier in 2024 we saw a darkweb child abuse forum called “The Annex” with 100,000 members shut down. Members would pay for child abuse images on The Annex using cryocurrency like BTC and Monero. Here is an example of BTC-Core developer Amir Taaki AKA “genjix” posting on the Bitcoin forum trying to buy “erotic chat by skype” with underage teenagers in 2011. Taaki who is a British-Iranian anarchist, has also joined a Kurdish militant group fighting against ISIS in Syria in 2015. Taaki also has close ties to another anarchist Cody Wilson, known for pioneering open sourced 3D gun printing technology. Wilson also tried to “destroy the Bitcoin Foundation” in 2014. Taaki and Wilson worked on Dark Wallet in 2013, a project designed to enhance Bitcoin privacy. Wilson also pleaded guilty in a child sex case in 2019. Now many of these same anarchists support the Monero (XMR) currency which is designed to be more anonymous and is primarily used on the darkweb. The lead developer of Monero (XMR) Riccardo Spagni who also goes by the name “FluffyPony” was also recently arrested for fraud. Another problem with Monero is that because it is a dark money system, it cannot be audited, so nobody knows if an inflation bug has been introduced into the system as happened in 2017. BitcoinSV as a transparent ledger can be audited making the coin supply much more sound.

Tornado cash was a recent project where the developers were arrested for helping criminals to launder $1B in funds. The founders of another wallet provider “Samouri Wallet” were also recently arrested for money laundering. These services enabled anonymous payments and helped criminals. Some protocol devs are looking to alter the Bitcoin or other crypto code base to allow this type of criminal evasion on the protocol level. For example LTC developers added MimbleWimble anonymizing technology in 2022. Another example is when BCH developers added the ability to use schnorr signatures in 2019, altering the protocol because their continued goal is to create a dark money “crypto” system instead of having the balance between privacy and transparency that Satoshi envisioned. Schnorr signatures work by allowing users to combine their signatures into a group signature, making the transactions much harder to trace. BTC promoters are also advocating to add Schnorr signatures to the BTC protocol. BitcoinSV however does not plan to add any of these alterations, because it aims to lock the original protocol in stone as Satoshi envisioned. Users will get privacy benefits from the scalable nature of the BSV blockchain, but criminals will be able to be tracked down, from transaction to transaction, using traditional police investigations.

Currently BTC and crypto are being used mostly for scams, ponzi schemes, or for criminal schemes. For example it is very sad to see the prevalence of overseas scammers targeting Americans. This woman was targeted and scammed for $40K through a BTC ATM by an overseas internet scammer. These types of events are becoming more and more common. It does not have to be this way. If people understood the technology and the problems happening in the space it could be cleaned up, and the technology can be used for freedom and for good rather than evil. Bitcoin is being suppressed by the scammers and not being allowed to flourish and blossom as it could. Regardless of this, the BitcoinSV network still persists and is alive with much innovation and building happening. It only will take a more widespread awakening to the truth and education, for BitcoinSV to overcome the artificial suppression and attacks against it.

Since this article has been written there have been a lot of new developments in the lawsuits happening related to Bitcoin and Satoshi’s vision. Please see my analysis on why Judge Mellor got the COPA v Wright judgment wrong. Here is my most recent article on the newest updates, as well as exposing the corruption of the UK patent court judges involved in the case who also failed to disclose meetings with COPA during the trial.



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