The Spiritual Battle for Truth, Bitcoin and Satoshi’s Vision
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
What we currently see in the Bitcoin and crypto space can best be described as vanity. When searching the internet, or Twitter on the topic, there seems to be an endless sea of immaturity, ignorance, and even criminality. High fees, broken systems, false promises, scams, thefts, ponzi schemes, money laundering schemes, rug pulls, slander, libel, death threats, and worse seem to rule the day and have tainted the crypto space and the Bitcoin brand. Studies have found that BTC fans are psychopaths with dark tetrad tendencies. Key traits of BTC promoters are narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism. They often have inflated egos, and lack empathy for others. They are willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead, and they even take pleasure in causing pain in others.
As another example here we see Coindesk, one of most popular crypto media sources in the space, dedicating a whole week to what they call “sin week.” During this special week dedicated to sin, they published articles defending crime. Ironically during one of their recent satire pieces mocking those critical of crime in the space, they may have inadvertently reported the truth stating “if you work in crypto, you are going to hell.” Another strange behavior is the tendency for BTC promoters in the crypto space, to have only carnivore diets.
Why is this bizarre behavior happening in the crypto space? To better understand the psychology of the Bitcoin and crypto communities, lets delve into “Magical CryptoLand” as they have named themselves in their outward show of adolescence. Often we find that BTC promoters prefer referring to themselves as “wizards” or other magical names. The “Magical Crypto Friends” for example are a group consisting of four grown men who dress up as crypto cartoon zoo animals, and have even made their own cartoon propaganda, often targeted at individuals in the BitcoinSV community and they even have Magical Crypto conferences centered around the theme.
These zoo animals happen to also be some of the most prominent and influential members of the “crypto” space, including Charlie Lee the “chikun”, creator or Litecoin. Riccardo Spagni or “Fluffypony” the lead developer of Monero a currency which aims to offer anonymity for criminals, was also arrested for fraud in 2021. There is also Samson Mow the cartoon lion and Chief Strategy Officer of BlockStream, a company that is funded by leaders of Bilderberg and VC companies related to the CIA. BlockStream is the main company funding and controlling BTC core development, usurping a lot of power over the BTC protocol and preventing blocksize increases on BTC contrary to what Satoshi had recommended when he was launching Bitcoin. It turns out BlockStream’s business model is to sabotage the BTC network so they can profit off sidechains, which Adam Back CEO of BlockStream tries to deny.
The deceased accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was also involved funding BTC core developers through the MIT media lab. In fact the only time Epstein ever interacted with students at MIT was to discuss Bitcoin. This also happens to be the University where current SEC chair Gary Gensler served as Professor of the Blockchain and Money Course, and now Gensler is the one in charge of the organization tasked with protecting retail investors in the crypto market. We also know Gensler faced a lot of criticism for his alleged ties to FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried before the company collapsed, shocking the entire crypto industry and world.
We also see other entities in the Bitcoin and crypto space, such as core developer Peter Todd who appears to be working with intelligence agents in order to promote small blocks on BTC. In a leaked conversation, Peter Todd is even seen talking to intelligence agents about “setting up fake companies” to attack SPV, or Simplified Payment Verification, an important scaling technology discussed in Section 8 of Satoshi Nakamoto’s whitepaper.
Because of BlockStream and BTC-Core’s effectiveness at preventing blocksize increases and “blocking the stream” of transactions, it resulted in the real Bitcoin protocol preserving itself in the BCH ticker, and then ultimately in the BSV ticker. This was while BTC forked itself off into a new system with a new addition to the protocol called “segregated witness” which removes the digital signatures from the Bitcoin blockchain. Interestingly this change fundamentally altered Bitcoin so much that BTC as we know it today with segwit, no longer follows the definition of Bitcoin in Satoshi Nakamoto’s whitepaper where it is defined as “an electronic coin as a chain of digital signatures.”
The “SV” in the BSV ticker stands for “Satoshi’s Vision”, a phrase I helped popularize years before BTC had forked. The whole point being that we would follow what Satoshi said to do, and not let some developers or company change the plans, or change the system. As Satoshi said, his system was designed to be “set in stone” with a locked protocol that does not change. In fact the only way to be truly decentralized is to lock the system in stone. This is also why the true Bitcoin BSV is likely not a security as it does not fail the Howey Test.
Satoshi said the ultimate solution for scaling Bitcoin was to use SPV lite clients along with an unbounded blockchain, so as to eventually not care how big the blockchain gets. Satoshi’s design is not for all users to run nodes as the system scales, but for the few nodes that exist to be hosted in big server farms. This is what Bitcoin BSV does today, removing limits and already demonstrating the ability to mine world record 4GB blocks, while BTC is still stuck at 1MB blocks + segwit. This means BSV is demonstrating over 4000x the capacity of BTC with plans for more in the future, and transactions on BSV are often millions of times cheaper than BTC. Even worse, due to the small block constraints on the BTC network, the system will be forced to die unless the developers raise the sacrosanct 21 million coin cap, as even Core developer Peter Todd has warned. Andreas Antonopoulos has also admitted the 21M cap is a problem and he seems to suggest fundamentally altering BTC and moving to a Proof of Stake system to fix the problem. Adam Back CEO of BlockStream interestingly seems to want to ignore the issue and tells people don’t worry about it and just “buy and stay calm”.
Another problem with the BTC-Core chain is that they have turned off and disabled many of the op-codes that Satoshi had built into Bitcoin’s design from the beginning. In this video Steve Shadders and Dr. Craig Wright talk extensively about how they re-enabled the opcodes on the BitcoinSV network. Core developers admitted they disabled some opcodes because they “panicked”. The op-code functionality is very important for future use cases built on the Bitcoin blockchain. Prior to Dr. Wright educating the space, nobody understood the script capabilities of Bitcoin and Satoshi’s design. As seen in this video panel with Nick Szabo and Dr. Wright, only Dr. Wright understood that Bitcoin could function as a Turing complete system. Others like Nick Szabo said Dr. Wright’s statements are not accurate and suggested for Dr. Wright to write a paper on the topic, and later on he did write a paper. Much of the crypto community mocked Dr. Wright at the time. But eventually he was proven correct, and much of the scripting capability can now be seen demonstrated by the developers at sCrypt. The capabilities on BSV are designed with scaling in mind, and for a variety of reasons BitcoinSV is better than Ethereum, which is the main competitor in terms of scripting functionality on blockchains. While Ethereum is collapsing under centralization, complexity, and high fees, Bitcoin and Satoshi’s vision aims to keep the design simple and decentralized, as Satoshi’s whitepaper says in Section 12, “the network is robust in its unstructured simplicity.”
Yet despite its vastly superior network performance and economic design, BitcoinSV has not been widely popular in the crypto space because of a bizarre hate campaign against it from competing BTC and crypto promoters. For example there has been endless cyber bullying of the BitcoinSV community, and anyone who is thought to be a BSV sympathizer is bullied into silence. The hatred actually stems more from a fear of Satoshi Nakamoto the creator of Bitcoin himself, who has been revealed in recent years to be Dr. Craig Wright, an Australian computer scientist. Dr. Wright signed cryptographically with keys belonging to Satoshi Nakamoto and the event was verified by Satoshi’s former acquaintance Gavin Andresen who helped Dr. Wright with the early Bitcoin code. Gavin can be seen here vouching for Dr. Wright as Satoshi. Critics have said that Gavin claimed to be “bamboozled” about this event, but that is not quite accurate. Gavin testified under oath that he meant he was bamboozled about a blog post that he thought Craig was going to make, and that he was not bamboozled about the signing session, and thinks its most likely that Dr. Wright has possession of Satoshi’s keys. Similarly another colleague Jon Matonis also verified that Dr. Wright did indeed possess the Satoshi keys to Block 1 and Block 9. A first hand eye witness account of these events is recorded in this interview with Stefan Matthews.
However the BTC community after a lot of censorship of the topic, decided not to believe this evidence and instead began cyber bullying campaigns and social attacks against Gavin, Jon, Craig and others who supported Satoshi’s vision. They also launched delist campaigns to remove BSV from exchanges in an attempt to hurt the economics of the BitcoinSV network and the token price. There are also paid actors who are being given donations in order to dedicate much of their time attacking Dr. Wright and the BSV community. There have also been what can only be described as sock puppet campaigns from anonymous accounts who endlessly attack Dr. Wright in an attempt to damage his credibility. In fact it has been revealed by Lightning Network developer Joseph Poon, and leaked by Bram Cohen creator of BitTorrent that BTC-Core even have a secret chatroom called the “Dragons Den” where they organize propaganda campaigns against the true Bitcoin and Satoshi’s vision.
Another example of such sock puppet campaigns is BlockStream co-founder Greg Maxwell, who is also a defendant in some of the ongoing lawsuits with Dr. Wright. Maxwell is also a BTC core developer who had much influence over protocol decisions. Due to a slip up by Greg himself, it was discovered Maxwell was likely using a fake account “contrarian__” on Reddit to attack Dr. Wright for years. Although it is quite obvious that Maxwell controls the account, he still denies any association. To illustrate the vile nature of Mr. Maxwell, he can be seen here talking about sodomizing goats. Maxwell also claims to use his “invisible hand” to manipulate the Bitcoin and crypto market, and refers to himself as “The Invisible Hand Mother F@#$@!” Maxwell also claims that if Dr. Wright does ever sign with Satoshi’s keys that he won’t accept the proof and he is now pushing the narrative that Satoshi did not mine early Bitcoin blocks. Similarly the former BCH lead developer Amaury Sechet says that if Dr. Wright signs with Satoshi’s keys, he thinks its because Dr. Wright killed Satoshi and stole the keys.
The opposition claim Dr. Wright is a fraud and there is ongoing legal battles for Dr. Wright to secure his reputation as Satoshi Nakamoto. The most prominent of these cases is the upcoming COPA case, where Dr. Wright is being challenged by a number of companies that have formed what can best be described as some sort of patent cartel, Crypto Open Patent Alliance. This group includes some big names including Coinbase, BlockStream, Block, BitPay, and even Facebook “Meta”. We can also see in Coinbase’s IPO filing that they list the unmasking of Satoshi as one of the biggest risks to their business. In COPA’s recent press release they mention that Dr. Wright is undermining the “spirit” of the open source community. But as the Bible teaches, we must try the spirits for what sort they are, whether they are of God:
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”1John4:1
Its interesting to note that Facebook changed its name to “Meta” prior to joining COPA, and “Meta” was a name used by Dr. Wright describing his concept of “metanet” and the ideas found in some of his hundreds of granted blockchain patents and applications. Now Facebook seems to want to join forces with the crypto industry at preventing Dr. Wright from using his vast patent portfolio and continuing to enforce his copyright on the Bitcoin name after successfully forcing to remove the Bitcoin whitepaper in the UK jurisdiction.
Focusing closer on the spiritual aspect of all of this contention in the Bitcoin and “crypto” space, its worth noting that Dr. Wright is a Christian and a pastor who seems to take his faith seriously. He also has a doctorate in Theology. He discusses some of his history in the Presbyterian church here. Dr. Wright has even mentioned how he believes God is using him as a punishment against the “crypto” space, and that the upcoming COPA case was divinely assembled. Satoshi also seemed to use a lot of interesting language and symbolism when designing Bitcoin. Take the “Genesis” block for example. Its interesting that “crypto” is described as darkness, but Dr. Wright is adamant that Bitcoin’s design is Light. This is true because Bitcoin is not encrypted, and is not designed as a “crypto” hidden system, but instead the secret of Bitcoin is that it is public and designed as a transparent ledger. Bitcoin is a public ledger and is about shining light on things, not about darkness or hidden money that enables corruption, and cannot be audited. The battle for Bitcoin is a battle between Light and “Crypto” darkness. And there is a reason why many sinners in the crypto space love “crypto” darkness more than light:
“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”John 3:19
As a battle of light vs darkness, we are also in a battle between Truth and lies.
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”John 14:6
If people don’t love the truth, ultimately they don’t love Jesus. The truth is plain as day that BSV is the real Bitcoin that follows Satoshi’s vision, and Dr. Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. But instead of worshiping Jesus and worshiping the Truth, we see the “crypto” darkness community worshiping lies and even worshiping idols and graven images.
Ironically the BTC community have turned Satoshi into some type of false god, and have even erected a graven statue of their ideal Satoshi wearing a hooded sweatshirt, with a shiny mirrored face. The idea being that when onlookers stare into the statue they see themselves, reinforcing their slogan that “we are all Satoshi”. Their worship of Satoshi and a fake statue has nothing to do with what Satoshi actually said or envisioned, but rather they have twisted Bitcoin into their own sick ideology and cult religion. While many of them claim to be anarchist libertarians, it actually turns out that they are more collectivist. Ironically the Bible parallels this type of collectivist thinking in “The Gainsaying of Core”, when Korah(Core), Dathan and Abiram rebelled against Moses, murmuring against him, complaining that Moses “lifted himself up above the congregation”. While the truth was Moses was the meekest man on the face of the earth. As a result God in his wrath opened up the earth and swallowed the rebels up. In the end we may see a similar thing happen with Satoshi Nakamoto and the “crypto” and Bitcoin space being swallowed up by the true Bitcoin.
The spiritual issues of the “crypto” darkness space get even more weird as we look into Ethereum, and Vitalik Buterin the creator of ETH. Vitalik appears to be a pedophile who supports the legalization of Child Pornography. This also seems a common theme, as we see BitPay a member of COPA, also has connections to pedophilia. We can also see the bizarre pedophilia blog of one of the first critics to chat with Satoshi Nakamoto in the early days of Bitcoin, James A. Donald, who also has a blog discussing his desires for young children. There have also been reports of sexual deviancy along with the recent FTX scandal.
But focusing on ETH and Vitalik, we see that besides his alleged connections to the CCP, and his support for Child Porn, Buterin is pushing other bizarre things, like eating bugs for the WEF, as well as synthetic wombs for women. But perhaps the most worrying aspect of Vitalik’s world view is his idea that he can live forever. He often speaks of death as being the “final boss” to be defeated, and it seems to be an obsession of his. Vitalik trusts on his own wisdom, instead of relying on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who has already defeated the “final boss”, see 1 Corinthians 15:26: “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”
We see others as well, like Hal Finney one of the first small blockers, deciding to be cryonically frozen after losing his battle with ALS . We also see Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong and supporter of COPA raising millions of dollars for research in life extension technology. Another defendant in lawsuits against Dr. Wright and leader of BCH, Roger Ver also has expressed interest in cryonic freezing. Jesus Christ gives us eternal life, but instead of trusting on Jesus, we see that Vitalik, Roger and others in the crypto space want to devise their own plans for eternal life. This is by definition the spirit of antichrist.
“For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.”2 John 1:7
As if all of this were not enough, an even more alarming situation has developed on Ethereum where we now see the Ethereum leaders, and network participants, undertake ceremonies where they are summoning spirits in what they call a “KZG Ceremony” In the ceremony, participants generate a key or number to contribute cryptographic security in some type of scheme for development on the ETH network. The ETH developers claim that during the process they are “summoning the powerful spirit Dankshard”. This is very alarming considering the parallels this has with a mark of the beast type of system described in the Book of Revelation where everyone is given a number or receives a mark in order to buy or sell, along with worshiping the image of the beast. Vitalik has not implemented the beast system yet on Ethereum, but that certainly appears to be the direction things are trending, and the Ethereum network seems to be a good training ground. We do know for sure that Vitalik embraces the idea of hell and wants to “colonize it with Starbucks”.
Its also concerning that Vitalik has invested millions of dollars into an Ethereum project called MolochDAO. The project also uses imagery of a demon with a belly of fire where children are to be thrown inside. We know from Acts7:43 Moloch is a false god. And we also know from several places in the Bible that people sacrificed their children to Molech:
“And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.”Leviticus 18:21
It is no surprise that Vitalik has also attacked the truth, and attacked BSV calling it a “dumpster fire” and a scam. Buterin has also attacked Dr. Wright calling him a fraud and daring Wright to sue him. Also Vitalik even shouted at Craig on stage at a conference saying Dr. Wright should not be allowed to speak. Whether Vitalik truly believes what he says, or is simply using his influence to manipulate the market and suppress a competitor remains to be seen. Its interesting that Dr. Wright receives so much criticism, yet Vitalik and ETH receive little criticism in the media, despite his alleged connections to the CCP, his advocacy for child pornography, and ETH developers serving 5 years in prison for aiding North Kora in evading sanctions.
Besides the bizarre bug eating pushed by Vitalik and the World Economic Forum, we also see the WEF supporting Coinbase, a member of COPA, and working with Lightning Labs. These entities are partnering together for the Lightning Network, a technology that is designed to ultimately strangle and replace the BTC system like a strangler fig. The entire design of Lightning Network is broken as Dr. Wright has explained, and it cannot be fixed. Lightning has also been hacked with funds stolen in the wild due to critical vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities will always persist due to the very nature of the Lightning network, designed as a mesh network. Most wallets that claim to use Lightning actually do not really use it because the user experience is too poor, so they instead use custodial solutions while pretending to use Lightning. Due to the distance between nodes on the Lightning Network, it allows an attacker to get in the middle and sybil attack nodes, as some Microsoft researchers have proven all such networks are vulnerable to sybil attacks. Yet despite these failures and the poor usability of the Lightning Network, we still see people lying to retail investors that Lightning Network is a successful scaling solution that maintains decentralization.
The criminality and brazenness in the “crypto” space is quite alarming. Another competitor to BSV, was BCH lead by convicted felon Roger Ver, who served time in prison for shipping explosives in the mail. Pipebombs may have also been involved. Roger just happens to also refer to himself as Bitcoin “Jesus”, although he is a proud atheist who likes to mock people who pray. He once supported Dr. Wright saying Wright was Satoshi, but then changed his mind because Dr. Wright disagreed with Roger’s anarchist philosophy. Roger was instrumental in splitting the BSV network and stealing the BCH ticker and he admitted to teaming up with BTC-Core to 51% attack and split the chain. This resulted in many services delisting BSV, Roger also used harsh censorship because of his control over the BCH reddit forum at the time of the split.
Roger had lied to the market that there would be a blocksize increase on BCH. But actually the blocksize on BCH has decreased since then to 8MB, while BSV still mines 4GB world record blocks. Later Roger would be accused of stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from BCH exchanges. Its worth noting that Roger appears to be some type of crypto anarchist terrorist. Roger renounced his US citizenship because he hates the US government. He even tried to set up his own anarchist nation called Liberland. He thinks that everyone should be able to do drugs and smoke crack, and he even advocates for assassination markets using crypto.
Its very alarming the violent nature of these crypto extremists. We can also see that the controller of and defendant in ongoing lawsuits, “CobraBitcoin” (real identity unknown), also advocates for similar assassination markets. We can see Jameson Lopp another CEO in the crypto space threatening violence to put Dr. Wright in a box to stop him from being Satoshi. Jameson Lopp’s employee also was using firearms to shoot holes through photos of Dr. Wright’s face and bragging on Twitter about it. Dozens of other similar death threats against Dr. Wright and the BSV community, and related events are archived here.
Part of the reason for the fierce opposition against Satoshi’s vision for Bitcoin, is because of the crime associated with BTC and crypto. BTC promoters claim that BTC is designed for drug empires. The dark web drug, fraud, extortion, ransomware, and child porn marketplace using crypto, is a billion dollar industry. There are many dark entities that favor an ecosystem where they can perpetrate blockchain scams and criminal enterprises, while being able to hide their tracks. “Crypto” aims to enable this by adding anonymity to the base layer blockchain protocol through a variety of techniques. While Bitcoin BSV as Dr. Wright has envisioned aims to have a balance of transparency and privacy, shining light on serious criminals and terrorists, while allowing privacy for most average people. Also in order to have a sound money system, the ledger needs to be public and auditable, unlike Monero which for example could have an unnoticed inflation bug similar to the one discovered in 2017.
Another point of contention from the crypto anarchists is that they claim Dr. Wright wants to use law to freeze assets on the blockchain. However this is actually in line with some statements made by Satoshi Nakamoto in the early days of Bitcoin. Satoshi talked about freezing Bitcoin assets, like turning gold to lead and back to gold again. Criminals want a system outside of government control, so the reality that law is the ultimate arbiter threatens the crypto anarchists in a very serious way. As the Bible teaches, rule of law is not a threat to those of us that do good, but to the evil:
“For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:”Romans 13:3
Another competitor to Satoshi’s Vision is Emin Gun Sirer the leader of the Avalanche blockchain. Gun Sirer was said to be a member of FETO a Turkish terror group, by Turkish media, in which Gun Sirer tried to sue the entity and won a default judgement in the US. It turns out that Gun Sirer likely has close connections to the law firm Roche Freedman which was suing Dr. Wright in an attempt to gain access to Satoshi’s Bitcoins, with an unfavorable outcome for Roche Freedman. There is also evidence that Gun Sirer is using sockpuppet astroturfing campaigns to promote his tokens and slander rivals, and there are even bots on Twitter referring to Gun Sirer as “the Father of the blockchain”. Apparently Gun Sirer is described as harnessing these things as his “dark power”. Gun Sirer happens to also be one of the lead moderators of the /r/bsv subreddit which is used primarily to slander the BSV community and Dr. Wright.
As a side note, its worth noting that when Roche Freedman sued Dr. Wright on behalf of Ira Kleiman, the magistrate Judge in charge of the case was Judge Bruce Reinhart, the same judge that received criticism and attention recently for signing off on raids of President Donald Trump’s home. Reinhart is also known for his connections to deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and Reinhart quit his job as a U.S. Attorney in 2008 to work for Jeffrey Epstein, the multimillionaire accused sex trafficker, representing Epstein’s employees. Reinhart had initially awarded a default judgement in favor of Kleiman, awarding him billions of dollars before a trial could even begin. However this was later overruled by Judge Bloom the district judge after Dr. Wright had eventually delivered the requested key slices to the court.
Another person worth noting as an adversary to Satoshi’s vision, is a man that goes by the name of Richard Heart(real name Richard Schueler). He is the issuer of the HEX blockchain token which can be best described as an open ponzi scheme. Richard was charged by the SEC with misappropriation of funds in July 2023. Schueler also heckled Dr. Wright during a conference speech while he was on stage. Schueler can also be seen here admitting he was part of “lying, cheating, and stealing to get segwit on BTC”.
So we have successfully outlined much of the spiritual wickedness hindering the Bitcoin and crypto space. Whether these adversaries are consciously acting against the Truth, or subconsciously, I believe their actions and behaviors are spiritual in nature. It may not be a coincidence that many of these entities often refer to themselves as “devs” short for “developers”:
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”1Peter5:8
Remember the battle for Bitcoin is between Truth vs lies, or between Jesus who is the Truth, and the devil:
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”John 8:44
The only hope for Bitcoin is as an honest system. The only hope for Satoshi’s vision to overcome the deceitfulness of this world and for the Truth to be exalted, is to trust on Jesus Christ:
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?1John5:4–5
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:”1Peter5:6
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”Philippians 4:13
If you love the Truth, but you are not yet sure about Jesus, then I encourage you to watch this video, which explains what the Bible says on how we get to heaven and receive God’s free gift of salvation and eternal life. Its not by our good works that we are saved from hell(and the second death), but only by our faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins.
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”John 3:36
I encourage every believer in Jesus Christ to join us in prayer for the Bitcoin BSV community and for Dr. Wright and his upcoming battle against the COPA cartel:
“The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.” Proverbs 21:31
Rejoice that if we believe in Jesus Christ, even if we lose a battle, we are always on the winning side.
“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”1 Corinthians 15:57
Remember that if we want to build anything good, we cannot succeed unless we build it on the foundation of Jesus Christ:
“For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”1 Corinthians 3:11